conFAB Books

conFAB Books focus on printing outputs from our projects: poetry/short story anthologies/comics etc. and a select number of publications relevant and inline with conFAB's work, values and creative processes.

The Raven Trilogy by Rachel McJury

Raven is a shapeshifter living in Tudor Britain who is part of the Society of Historical Spiritual Studies an underground pagan resistance movement.

Raven: a conspiracy: 
Released September 2020, 978-1-8382052-0-1
Available from: Amazon

Raven and the Book of Knowledge 
Released March 2021, 978-1-8382052-3-2
Available from Amazon

Raven child of the Earth
Released September 2021, 978-1-8382052-4-9
Available from Amazon

Warrior Women Golden Threads by Rachel McJury
is a collection of six retellings of mythical and historical tales of heroic Scottish women for anyone interested in women’s stories, women’s history, Scottish history and traditional folk tales. These are the stories of the warrior women of Scotland told from their perspective and on their terms. Through their voice they define what it is to be warrior.
Released December 2020, 978-1-8382052-1-8
Available on: Amazon

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To be informed of performances, publications, writing opportunities etc. please call or email

07811 394 058

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation: SC041585 | All material © Confab 2016 | Photos Karen Gordon: